Staying Connected To Customers During The COVID-19 Period

On 11 March 2020, the WHO declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. The repercussions of this outbreak radically set whole nations into a state of unprecedented changes. Inevitably, a significant shift in consumer behavior was observed during this pandemic. With social distancing and lockdown policies implemented in various parts of the world, consumers are rapidly shifting to digital activities such as online shopping and home streaming.

Consumer Behavior In Response To The COVID-19 Pandemic


Increase in Overall Traffic To News Sites

More than

Increase in Total Messaging Over The Last Month


Increase in Online Shopping Activities

Up to

Increase in Searches on HOW-TO Keywords (eg. How To Make A Face Mask)

The uncertainties arising out of COVID-19 saw social media abuzz with unprecedented consumer behavior. This includes the unspeakable panic-buying and hoarding of essential goods such as toilet rolls and bread, frantic searches for financial planning or insurance products and constant spreading of anecdotal accounts of the coronavirus.

A set of logical fallacies and cognitive biases may account for such irregular behavioral patterns during the pandemic.

Consumer Behavior (Behavioral Science)

Bandwagon Effect

This is best illustrated by the scores of videos readily shared on social media showing consumers frantically rushing supermarkets to get toilet rolls, bread and other essentials.

Availability Bias

For instance, massive media coverage on the origins of the coronavirus sparked prejudices that led to the discrimination of specific groups of people.

False Cause

False cause works when people assume that the higher number of virus-related deaths amongst older people means that children are immune to COVID-19.

To further understand the changes seen on the digital landscape, we conducted an analysis of our various clients’ ongoing campaign data as well as their social media content before & during the government-mandated Movement Control Order period. Our findings:

How Social Media Advertisements Are Doing


Increase in Exposure On Social Media (FB & IG)

More than

Increase in Video Views

At least

Increase in Response Driven Campaigns for Essentials Such As Education & Food

At least

Increase in E-Commerce Sales (for Retailers With Online & Offline Stores)

Social Media Guide for Businesses (COVID-19 Edition)

As changes in consumer behavior are becoming more evident during this pandemic, businesses should rethink and reframe their short and long term strategies if they wish to survive, let alone thrive in this time.

We’ve put together a guide that we hope might give you some inspiration for your business during this time.

Stay safe, we will get through this together.

    The information provided is compiled from internal research as well as external sources such as Facebook, Instagram, Google Trends, McKinsey & Company, WARC, VOX.
    Bricks & Clicks shall not be responsible nor liable for any action or decision taken in reliance to the information contained in this website.

    Success is our story. With our help, success can be your story too. Set up a free consultation session with our digital strategist today.

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