Advertising+Marketing: Malaysia agency heads on improving client-agency ties (24 June 2020)

By June 24, 2020Featured

Photo: Advertising+Marketing


Client-agency relationships have always been a common topic of discussion in the ad land. Time and again, clients have been asked to view agencies as business partners in order for the relationship to be mutually beneficial. Agencies have also had to evolve and provide integrated offerings to suit the changing ad landscape and clients’ needs.

A recent study by the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) found that agencies want more face to face and open discussions with clients about what can be done better once evaluations have occurred. Many agencies also said they are not comfortable in providing honest feedback, with 43% citing this as the biggest barrier to effective evaluation. Additionally, agencies want clients to think more carefully about the KPIs they use, and not rely on cost-only KPIs, KPIs which the agency has no control over (such as NPS or share price), or subjective KPIs such as enthusiasm.

It is safe to say that these issues faced by agencies are not limited to geography. As such, A+M asked agency heads in Malaysia how marketers can adapt to become better clients and improve the client-agency relationship.

For the full article, click here

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